There are many different artist styles used in video games. The different styles are often used in different genres to give different feels to the game such as, a Stealth game such as Splinter cell uses Realistic graphics and art styles to produce a “REAL” feeling which excites the player to continue playing.

Cel shading –  Cel shading is a style that gives the game a comic book look. It is often characterised by using bold outlines and block colours. Using Cel shading makes everything look bright and colourful which is very appealing to a younger audience. But games like Boardlands, a well-known RPGFPS uses cel shading. Cel Shading uses a lot of bright primary colours (Red, blue, Yellow etc.) which keeps the colour scheme simple.

A style that has recently become popular is steampunk. Steampunk is based of the idea that steam power advanced to the stag of current technology, bringing the Victorian style of using bass and copper colours. The style of clothing is based on of Victorian fashion e.g. tophats etc. Bioshock is just one of the many games which use a Steampunk style and the company behind Bioshock really pulled it off. It’s not a very well-known style that’s used throughout the game scene but is becoming more and more popular each day. Steampunk has a really nice idea behind it, such as using old aspects with new technological advances which really makes the game stand out.

One of the most popular styles used is photorealistic. Photorealistic art is art made to look like photographs so often use the best Game engines alongside a lot of graphic and concept artists to produce pieces of work which would be tricky to spot the difference between real and a reality world. These are often used to make the game feel more realistic. One of the most popular game franchises to use this style of art is Call of Duty. Other games such as Splinter cell, assassins creed and Fifa use this style.

Cyberpunk – Cyberpunk uses a lot of dark grays and black colours to produce its environment alongside a lot of metallic colours. The style of clothing in cyberpunk often involves a lot of Wires and a robotic look. The game Desus Ex uses the Cyberpunk style and pulls it off very nice, but there are also elements of a realistic and photorealistic style which make the game a lot of fun. Cyberpunk is based on the idea that people have technologically advance but socially stepped backwards. Cyberpunk has been around for quite some time and has been used in games before. Games such as Timesplitters has various missions which make the player run around Cyberpunk cities and areas.

This is a Photorealistic game – Fifa 12

Cel Shading – Boarderlands

Steampunk – Bioshock